Excerpts of what people have said about Dr. Art’s Rosengarten’s work at Moonlight Counseling (Psychotherapy, Group Therapy, Relationship Counseling, Graduate Classes, and Tarot Seminars, Classes, and Readings):
As seminar presenter for the 10 week Online Series “Tarot, Imagination, and Consciousness” (2018):
–“Thoroughly enjoyed the class. Art is very knowledgeable and skilled at a deep, intuitive level in the Tarot. One can know a subject and regurgitate that subject but Art speaks a language of Tarot. He is able to teach his in-depth understanding and wisdom in a simple and creative fashion.” Maxine Hudson
–” I would definitely recommend the course for students interested in both Tarot and the Jungian approach to personal growth. After completing this seminar, I regard the Tarot as a window into the beauty and vast mystery of the universe. Working with the Tarot has an awesome power to focus underlying intelligence to provide insight and encourage inner healing and growth.” Cate Beery, MFT
–“This is NOT for the “average” tarot enthusiast. One needs to have an interest in the human psyche, in growing spiritually and going beyond tradition. In other words, to go beyond the superficial and the Reader’s Digest versions.” Mary Toutarot
As Psychologist:
–Just watched that interview with you on the blog, was really great, very insightful. I am so thrilled to be working with you. That last session was a great one… I really appreciate your approach to Psychology, you are a credit to your field. Look forward to seeing you more frequently in the future. Have a great weekend. Jeffrey W.
–Dr. Rosengarten is an exceptionally talented, caring, and skillful therapist. I have learned a great deal in this course. The role play opportunities were great and the didactic material was wonderful. I took this class and found it above and beyond my expectations, as I have already completed a Master’s level group therapy class. The balance between experiential, didactic process was outstanding and extremely engaging. This class will positively affect me professionally through my career. Thank-you. S. L., Doctoral Candidate at SDUIS, class evaluation.
––Art Rosengarten is the therapist who made me understand why my brain was programmed to make me feel so miserable, so much of the time. He understands our human tendencies, our ego drive, and he heals us with wisdom, his and the wisdom he pulls out of each one of his “students”. With his buddhist philosophies and his understanding of our western world, he guided me to find peace in my world, to see my problems as opportunities for solutions, to handle whatever life could bring with a healed mind. I have him to thank for saving me from a very sad life, and showing me a much better way. Yael G.
–It really is a miracle that we got married and truly have a loving and powerful relationship. Our spiritual practice and focus on what’s true has been the saving grace. But none of it would have happened without your encouragement and guidance. Robyn W
-I have known Art for many years. He is one of three therapists over a period of 35 years that has helped me grow significantly as a human being. I invested more than five years in group therapy with Art and the other members of the group and the experience has reverberated positively in my life to this very day. I originally came to group for support in my spiritual journey and skills to find a fulfilling primary relationship. I truly believe that I achieved this. Joe Latino
-As CEO of a mental health agency providing community based services in California and Nevada I have often benefited from Dr. Rosengarten’s consultation on a wide range of issues. I have also had the opportunity and privilege of knowing Art for more then 35 years as a colleague, therapist, author, poet, husband, father, and a dear friend. His therapeutic skills and his ability to integrate and utilize a wide variety of psychotherapeutic approaches based in the traditions of both eastern and western thought is exceptional. He has spent much of his adult life studying and employing the therapeutic use of archetypal imagery particularly as it relates to Carl Jung’s body of work and the symbolism of the Tarot. Although his knowledge is extensive the gift he brings to others through his work is his ability to assist us in understanding the complexity of our process and our choices for change in a clear and positive way that is both affirming and empowering. Barry Shea, Caminar Inc.
-Can’t say enough about how much seeing Art in a group setting has done for me, within just a few sessions I started seeing great change in my well being and outllook on daily life. Art is incredibly knowledgeable and articulate helping the members in many different ways to work towards true healing, growth and relief.I am grateful everyday that I took the steps to try group therapy and am so pleased that I am working with such a wonderful, experienced Counselor.Working with Art is not only a helpful experience but is also a pleasure. Suzanne L.
Regarding the Tarot:
-“No one reads Tarot cards like Art Rosengarten.” George Noory, late night host of Coast2Coast AM.
-I love Dr. Art! His insights are brilliant and his guidance is gentle and creates and inner sense of strength to help move through issues and problems. His knowledge of the Tarot is inspired and opens the heart and soul to great insights. I would recommend him to anyone! Beth Kaufman
-Dear Art: I listened to you last night on Coast To Coast…You were spectacular !!!Of course, that is an absolutely objective opinion! Ha ha Ha ha ha. As always, your comments and responses were well thought – out, seriously considered, and honest. This is the first time that I have ever heard you on air and your tone of voice is the same as it is in person, calm and reassuring and gentle. How critical this would be when you are working with someone going through a major crisis. I would like to see your appearance on Beyond Belief, so I will find out how to access that. Your IQ must be off the charts! I am always amazed by how much you know about so many things. Laura Wiggins, MS. January 7, 2016.
–For those of you who are interested in how Psychology and Tarot are brilliantly connected and how it might compliment your ongoing recovery, I recommend the work of Dr. Art Rosengarten. I recently spent part of an evening with Dr. Rosengarten and was rewarded with something deeply satisfying and complimentary to my journey into 2012. Kurt Swensen
-I am so impressed by Dr. Rosengarten! He has given workshops and is fabulous and amazing with his preparation. It is well thought out, insightful, and his ability with technology is impressive. Art has a gentle way of confronting and questioning as well as a very spiritual view of life. He is sensitive, understanding, world wise, and humorous. I highly recommend him and know that you will enjoy him. Time will fly by. Garry Diamond
-Dr. Art Rosengarten is an excellent group leader. I was in a long term group experience with Dr. Rosengarten for many years. He has the rare ability to be both in control of the group and at the same time allow maximum freedom of expression. He comes to every group meeting well prepared; and he gives great power point presentations. I highly recommend Dr. Rosengarten’s skills as a group leader. Kathy B.
–“Studying Tarot with Art Rosengarten over the past 4 years has been a valuable personal as well as professional journey for me. I recommend Dr. Art Rosengarten’s Tarot group to any and all people (at any level of experience or knowledge) who are ready to understand themselves, others and the Tarot in a deeper and more meaningful way.” Yvette Lyons, Expressive Arts Therapist
–Just discovered this wonderful gift from the amazing Dr. Arthur Rosengarten who is someone I consider as a Tarot Mentor. This was gifted to me after I won a Tarot interpreting contest in 2009. Along with this book, I got an accompanying deck of cards with a lovely note from Art Rosengarten himself! Zorian Cross, New Delhi, India
What authors have said:
“By integrating psychology’s rigorous standards with Tarot’s imaginal landscape to create “spectrums of possibility,” Rosengarten lays an impressive groundwork for a twenty-first century working relationship…a turning point for Tarot as well as for psychologists who pioneer the use of this demonstrably valuable resource.” Mary K. Greer, Author of Tarot For Your Self
“Art Rosengarten offers us an engaging approach to oracle wisdom. His highly original interpretation allows us to explore openness and transcend fixed beliefs, without needing to begin with a problem or look for complex understandings.” Peter Fenner, Ph.D. author and founder of The Radiant Mind.
“In my practice… I used Tarot images only in amplifying dreams and sandtrays. Not until I read Dr. Rosengarten’s manuscript was I aware of the potential of Tarot. If I were still in practice, I would certainly try using it.” James A. Hall, MD, Jungian Analyst and author of The Jungian Experience and Jungian Dream Interpretation
“Rosengarten’s remarkable work spans the abyss that yawns between psychology and mysticism, and does so without diminishment to art or science.” Lon Milo DuQuette, author of Tarot of Ceremonial Magick and Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millennium
“Tarot and Psychology combines moving case studies with practical details of exactly how Tarot can be used as a therapeutic tool…provides a deep theoretical examination of how this synchronicity is inherent in archetypal symbolism of the Tarot.” Robin Robertson, Ph.D. Author of Jungian Archetypes
–The great psychologist Carl Rogers taught us to speak from our own frame of reference, rather than as if our personal reactions are facts about someone or something else. Although other people may have different preferences, I only have sincere admiration for Art Rosengarten and his innovative deck. Knowing that Dr. Rosengarten’s tarot deck has a scholarly background and is a professional psychologist who dares to create a tarot deck is key for me to take a close look at what it offers. Even if I give honor to its unique symbolic qualities, what really is exciting to me is that Dr. Rosengarten’s Tarot of the Nine Paths creates a professionally certified opportunity to blast open a doorway that has been stuck closed by traditional scientific thinkers who poo-poo the tarot. Partly because of this understanding, I appreciate his work not only as an archetypal resource and effective oracular medium, but as a cultural phoenix rising to expand awareness of the tarot’s potential.
Perhaps at first glance, these cards that he deems an “Advanced Tarot Deck” may be beyond a novice reader’s understanding because its symbols are not exactly typical. But he’s not different than everyone else creating decks in our modern time who uses their own creative insights to slightly change the Tarot’s historically correct images and make them their own. In this deck, each major arcana card is vibrant with colors that make the images pop out. Each card includes symbols with their corresponding Tree of Life placement and astrological correspondence. If you enjoy playing with Tarot, it’s fun to use. Also, this deck and its accompanying booklet will add to understanding of how the psychology and the tarot can be woven together. Its archetypal language is tarot appropriate and each card conveys a universal message that certainly you will you hear if your mind and heart are open. Kooch Daniels
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