Keywords and Definitions
• Journey– A long and often difficult process of personal change and development
• Possibility– A chance that something might exist, happen, or be true.
• Psychology– The science of mental life. (William James)
• Psychological Tarot– The science of mental life from the perspective of pure possibility.
- Psychological Tarot engages intuition to seek deeper spheres of psychological life and enrich self experience and awareness.
- Psychological Tarot is a present centered, interactive, “image medium” for symbolic communication in process-oriented therapies.
- Psychospiritual– Of or pertaining to the relationship between spirituality and the mind.
• Spirituality a. Centered on the deepest values and meanings by which people live. b. Embraces the idea of an ultimate immaterial reality. c. Envisions an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of being.
• Tarot- A deck of 78 cards denoting The Fool’s Journey or inner path to wholeness; the “Deck of Possibility.” Tarot cards either clarify, interconnect, or amplify what already exists in consciousness, or else they bring unconscious possibilities into conscious awareness.
• The Fool-An agent of pure possibility (or openness).
• The Fool’s Journey– The process of personal change and development experienced from the perspective of pure (or open) possibility.
The Tarot is a remarkable collection of images and symbols that picture multidimensional themes of universal human experience. Divination simply means “empowered random selection”–the “empowerment” being that you trust your feelings and intuition in the present moment to blindly make your card selections. It feels something like “casting your fate to the wind” but the results are invariably relevant, affirming, and thought-provoking. When a random series of cards is properly interpreted in pre-designated positions (a spread), the intuitive observer will be surprised by the amazing subtlety and sophistication with which this method facilitates self-reflection, deep insight, and spiritual wisdom. Arthur Rosengarten, Tarot and Psychology, Spectrums of Possibility, 2000.
TAROT of the NINE PATHS (TNP): Advanced Tarot for the Spiritual Traveler Written, Designed, and Created by Dr. Art Rosengarten. To view these cards, go to Official Site of TNP
-JOIN Tarotpsych: A Yahoo Discussion Group Moderated by Dr. Art Rosengarten
Tarot Consultations can be set up for one hour readings with Dr. Rosengarten, author of Tarot and Psychology: Spectrums of Possibility, in the office, by phone, Skype, or Google Chat. Readings typically address relationship questions, business strategies, personal transformation, life transitions, or simply your present state of mind. By phone, I have discovered that readings work just as well as face-to-face in my office (you still get to pick the cards and I will send you an email record of your reading with my comments, and a photograph of the spread).
Call (858) 481-6600 or (760) 518-2001