From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarot#Occult_tarot_decks
Tarot of Nine Paths
The Tarot of Nine Paths (TNP), designed by Art Rosengarten, is a deck of possibilites that is a tool for the spiritual traveler. It retains tarot’s essential infrastructure while expanding the Major Arcana from 22 to 27 cards. The additional cards contain contemporary psychological and spiritual themes related to integral wholism that enable users of the deck to learn paths to higher consciousness through games or readings. TNP catalogues timeless teachings of humanitt’s higher purpose, destination, and spiritual complementation, echoing C.G. Jung’s view that tart trumps embody the “archetype of transformation,” that is, those universal symbols possessing the greatest constancy, efficiancy, and potentiality for psychic evolution, and which point from the inferior and towards the superior. New cards use old symbols to convey integral archetypes, for example: The Well for renewal, The Ring for wholeness, Judgement for awakening, and The World for integration.
To be released by Paragon, March, 2018
For more information, contact Dr. Art Rosengarten at
ALSO COMING SOON: TAROT OF THE FUTURE: Raising Spiritual Consciousness by Arthur Rosengarten