Some Highlights of my 40 Year Career in Tarot (1977-Present):
-1977 First introduced to the Tarot in a graduate seminar at the California Institute of Asian Studies, San Francisco. 1977 and never lost interest. First teachers were Dr. Angeles Arrien and Dr. Hillary Anderson
-1982 Gave lecture demonstration at the Luxor Hotel, Luxor, Egypt, with the famed psychic Patricia Sun.
-1982-Read for the Mamas and Papas, (including frontman John Phillips and actress McKenzie Phillips) as their weekend guest near Sumerville, Sumerville, N. J.
-1985 Completed the first accredited doctoral dissertation on Tarot, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco 1985 Completed the first accredited doctoral dissertation on Tarot, entitled Accessing the Unconscious: A Comparative Study of Dreams, TAT, and Tarot, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco..
-1992-Present The Tarot Circle, private ongoing Tarot classes taught in Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego.
-1997 The Tarot Research Project, A Study of Synchronistic Patterns in Perpetrators and Victims of Spousal Abuse.
-1997-2001 Featured speaker at all three World Tarot Congresses in Chicago, Sponsored by the International Tarot Society.
-2000 Published Tarot and Psychology: Spectrums of Possibility. Paragon House, St. Paul, Minn.
-2003-2009 Presenter at Bay Area Tarot Symposium (BATS) and Los Angeles Tarot Symposium (LATS).
-2005 Visiting Scholar/lecturer on Jungian Tarot, Sonoma State U.
-2008 Invited to present seminar: “Tarot As A Tool For Global Understanding and Harmony,” New Delhi, India, Sponsored by Tarot India Network.
-2008-Present Owner/Moderator of Tarotpsych: A Yahoo Discussion Group for cyber experiments in synchronicity.
-2009 Published the deck Tarot of the Nine Paths, Advanced Tarot for the Spiritual Traveler, Paragon House.
-2011 &12 Presented at the Popular Culture National Conference, San Antonio & Boston, Tarot Studies Division.
-2015 & 18 Keynote speaker at The Reader’s Studio, New York.
-Visiting Lecturer, Chinese Occult Association, Beijing, China 2016.
-2017 & 19 Lecturer at Creativity & Madness Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
-2018 Published Tarot of the Future, Raising Spiritual Consciousness, Paragon House.
-2018 Launched 10-week Live Online Seminar Series: Tarot, Imagination, and Consciousness,
-1997-Present Guest appearances on popular national late-night radio program Coast To Coast AM with Host, George Noory (30 plus times).
2015 Investigated tarot readings inside Stonehenge and newly-formed Crop Circles in Wiltshire England, with group of American researchers.
2018- Published Tarot of the Future: Raising Spiritual Consciousness, Paragon House.
2018-Present: Teaching online classes– JUNGIAN GROUP SEMINARS (JGS)- (monthly) 3 hour multi-media experiential classes last Friday evening of the month (live & Zoom) in 9 session seminars, including Seminar 1: Well-being and Individuation, Seminar 2: Therapeutic Tarot, and Seminar 3: A Transpersonal Approach to Psychic Incubation. Email Dr. Rosengarten if interested: